Is leadership an individual pursuit or a collective process? Somehow the leader as mythic hero doesn’t cut it anymore with the collaborative and inclusive world of work.

Making decisions has become much harder in volatile and unpredictable contexts. Risk management is more about building resilience and immunity than making probabilistic assessments. How do you deal with rapidly emerging technical and social disruptions which go beyond available data and beyond your experience?  

System 3 Thinking is a new way of encountering the uncertainties and wicked problems of the current era. Learn about system 1, system 2, and system 3 decision making frameworks and biases. Assess and enhance your own system 3 thinking capability. Practice the principles of wise decision making to achieve a common good under conditions of complexity and uncertainty.

This program is perfect as part of a leadership development program. It challenges leaders in both enterprise and public sectors to go beyond the standard decision making frameworks and face up to wicked problems. Participants complete the online business simulation ‘Complex-city’ which is based on my book, “System 3 Thinking: How to Choose Wisely when Facing Doubt, Dilemma and Disruption” and developed in partnership with global learning organisation, Ososim.

Living in a society that too often rewards speed over considered response, the stakes for wise decision-makers are higher than ever. System 3 Thinking serves as an important circuit breaker to help us slow down, step back and give some space between stimulus and response. One of my takeaways from Peter Webb’s book is that wisdom is an expression of evolving consciousness. With the practical, habit-forming practices Peter shares in the book, we can all develop our wisdom through awareness, practice and wiser choices, something we can all benefit from – from the decisions that impact our daily lives to those that are more globally reaching and complex
— Michael Schiffner, MD Collective Intelligence

Leadership Decision Making

2-day workshop; or 8 x 60-minute webinars